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How to Plan an Instagram Content Calendar for Your Cafe or Restaurant

Maintaining a consistent Instagram presence is key for cafes and restaurants looking to attract new customers and keep followers engaged. However, posting randomly with no strategy leads to an inconsistent, ineffective social media marketing effort.

Creating an Instagram content calendar allows you to plan, organise, and schedule your posts and Stories in advance - letting you build a cohesive narrative around your brand while freeing up time to focus on other priorities.

Here's how to build out an effective Instagram content calendar for your cafe or restaurant:


Define Your Goals and Content Pillars Before planning specific posts, establish your goals for Instagram.

Are you aiming for increased brand awareness? More engagement and community? Driving traffic for online orders? Promoting in-store specials and events?


Identify 3-5 content pillars or themes you want to focus your posts around such as:

  • Behind-the-scenes/company culture

  • Menu items/chef creations

  • Customer photos and testimonials

  • Entertaining, educational, or inspiring posts

  • Special promotions and events

Having clear goals and defined pillars will guide your content ideation.

Plan Out a Balanced Content Mix

Audit your current Instagram presence to analyse what types of posts have performed best - photos, videos, Instagram Stories, etc.

Then map out a healthy mix of those top-performing content types into your calendar while allotting appropriate time for creating each post.

For example:

  • 2 photo posts/week

  • 3 Instagram Story updates/week

  • 1 IGTV video or Reel/month

  • Regularly share customer content

Creating a variety keeps your feed dynamic and interesting.

Find a Scheduling Tool and Follow Trends

Using a tool like Facebook's Creator Studio or third-party schedulers helps visualise and plan posts in advance. You can drag-and-drop posts, upload content, and set reminders.

Also follow cultural trends, holidays, and special dates relevant to your business for timely updates.

For example:

  • Food holidays like National Donut Day

  • Cultural celebrations for special menu items

  • Seasons/local events

Use Hashtags and Engagement Tactics

Research and integrate a set of branded and industry hashtags into each post to boost discoverability.

Additionally, build in engagement tactics such as:

  • Asking open-ended questions

  • Inviting user-generated content

  • Running contests and giveaways

This will help grow an active community around your account.

Review and Optimize

Nothing is set in stone with your content calendar. Analyse performance metrics to see what's resonating, then adapt your strategy accordingly:

An Instagram content calendar allows you to be proactive and consistent rather than posting reactively. With the right upfront planning and optimisation, you can grow an engaged following for your cafe or restaurant. 

BIGR Social allows you to manage your content schedule with just a few clicks. Our suggestions fill your schedule with engaging content, ready to edit, schedule, or swap as you see fit. Stay ahead with minimal effort!